Better for Students... Easier for Teachers!

Meaningful Feedback

Gold Standard lets teachers give meaningful feedback—on any activity—without disrupting class.

Data Wall in Your Pocket

Instead of just giving a grade for an assignment, teachers score mastery at the TEKS breakout level... and benefit from the reporting.

Secure Data

No school is the same. We work with you to streamline data-sharing to meet your unique needs while keeping your data secure.

About Gold Standard

Gold Standard Grades is a software solution for teachers to formatively assess learning in real time on any activity. It is ad hoc and does not involve sitting at a computer taking screeners. It includes a suite of interactive reports that make sense and are helpful and report cards and progress reports that inform students and their grownups.


Gold Standard Grades is a software solution for teachers to formatively assess learning in real time on any activity. It is ad hoc and does not involve sitting at a computer taking screeners.

Gold Standard uses an index search function to allow teachers to quickly find and select learning standards--at the breakout level--for formative assessment on a scale of 1-4. Standards appear as the teacher types in the search bar.

Supports Teacher-Guided Instruction

For example, if the students are adding transitions to essays, the teacher can type the word "transition" and select "develop drafts into a coherent piece of writing by organizing with purposeful structure, including transitions" from the list of standards that pops up.

The teacher might have the students highlight the transition sentences they added to their papers as part of the lesson, then walk around the room providing focused feedback and scoring student mastery of the standard.

Later in class, she would use the standards mastery aggregate tool to identify students who did not succeed the first time, see how they responded to the focused feedback, and give them a new score…much more effective for and timely for teachers and students than getting a stack of papers to grade and return the next day.

Supports Student-Led Instruction

Gold Standard also supports project-based and group work, enabling teachers to fairly assess learning on student-designed activities across all content areas. Imagine trying to give a kid a traditional grade for a real-life experience, such as helping her mom build a shed at home... What would getting a 95 on shed-building even mean?

Using Gold Standard, the teacher would listen to the student explain the steps she took during the activity and then give a grade for each relevant standard. The shed example for a fourth grader could include the following:


Teachers can assess breakout-level learning on any activity, supporting multiple instructional models (in-person, virtual, hybrid) in a way that no other system can.

Gold Standard's real-time reporting benefits everyone.

Designed for Ad Hoc and Preplanned Instruction

Even though it can be used in an ad hoc way, Gold Standard supports planned instruction, too. Teachers can easily create and save activities in advance and make quick adjustments in real-time.

Learner Impact

Students must prepare to be part of a complex problem-solving, flexible workforce and take on the challenge of more rigorous standards and assessments. Teachers must track student progress in order to quickly identify and respond to learning gaps, ensuring all students fulfill their potential.

The Problem

The problem is that traditional grades are too imprecise to support modern instruction. Traditional grades are like getting a weekly statement of your car’s average speed instead of having a speedometer.

Not all feedback is the same. Traditional grade books have the qualities of ineffective feedback, providing generic appraisals of good-ness in the form of letter or number grades. This nonspecific approach has little influence on student growth and achievement.

Formative Assessment Benefits Students

Teaching to a test distorts high-quality instruction. Growth requires formative assessment. This means that feedback guides instruction, it takes place during class in real-time, and it is a student-centered process. Further, formative assessment should be unobtrusive and not interfere with instruction. When formative feedback is done correctly, resulting percentile gains on academic achievement measures can be as high as 43 points (Marzano, 2010).

The benefits of good formative assessment are clear, but there is no system for teachers to assess students without disrupting class.

Gold Standard is the Solution

Gold Standard Grades solves that. Gold Standard is the only standards-aligned assessment tool that can be used daily, with no test creation required. Instead of just giving a grade for an assignment, teachers score mastery at the breakout level. Using traditional methods, teachers might assess learning on a specific standard a few times a year during benchmarks and summative assessments. With Gold Standard, it happens a few times per class. And it's easy.

Gold Standard is the tool schools need to grow all students, especially after the losses experienced during Covid.

Learning Engineering

Gold Standard was developed to support rapid experimentation and data-driven continuous improvement by enabling evaluation of the impact of instruction and prompt adjustment of teaching to meet student needs. Educators and researchers can use the comprehensive learning data to better understand how students learn and teachers teach.

Gold Standard compiles data and produces outputs in various formats, such as graphs to show student growth relative to content taught and time. The clear record of standards taught and mastered informs teachers’ self-reflection, empowers action research, and supports professional growth, and de-identified and aggregate data will be shared with external researchers for free.


Gold Standard supports equity in multiple ways.

Impact on College and Career Readiness

Unemployment rates are higher for people without a bachelor’s degree (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019), and the already-affluent are approximately 2.4 times more likely than the least affluent to immediately pursue a bachelor’s degree (National Center for Education Statistics, 2019). Gold Standard helps prepare students for a fulfilling and prosperous life after high school by enabling them to engage in meaningful learning activities instead of constant test-prep. These experiences support cognitive engagement and contribute to robust, lasting learning.

Ends Punitive Grading Practices

Punitive grading and attendance policies drive students away from school (Reschly, 2020). Gold Standard grades are based on observed learning, not attendance or timeliness. With Gold Standard, there is no such thing as a zero or late work. Student grades are based on percent of the standards mastered versus percent of the school year gone.

Social and Emotional Learning

CASEL social and emotional learning standards are included in the standards search, enabling teachers to keep track of students' social and emotional needs. These are not used to inform grades but as another tool for teachers to support all students. Gold Standard was developed with feedback from a diverse group of educators, including early elementary and secondary teachers, university professors and researchers, campus and district administrators, curriculum specialists, and experts in social emotional learning and English language acquisition.

English Learners

English Language Proficiency Standards and Spanish versions of elementary core standards are included in the search, so teachers can better support English learners and dual language classes.

Engagement Culture

Gold Standard Grades lets learning be fun again, not just a compliance checklist or test prep. The ideals promoted by Gold Standard align with the cofounder's research on Engagement Culture, which is a systemic approach to motivation based on fostering satisfaction and minimizing dissatisfaction—not by coercion into compliance. It is correlated with improved outcomes on high-poverty campuses (Hearnsberger, 2021).


Gold Standard scales.


Gold Standard was developed using the Ed-Fi data standard. This means districts with Ed-Fi implementations can link directly with us to exchange data via API. We support non-Ed-Fi districts, too, by integrating directly with SIS and other systems to pass data quickly and securely.

Gold Standard is built on a .NET core framework and is device-agnostic. It works on any modern device with a browser.


Users can authenticate using their district Google login. This automates user credentials, so you do not have to worry about unauthorized access. It also means we work with Clever.


We will continue to scale by including the addition of learning standards from more states, paying developers to quickly respond to end-user needs, implementing sustainable organizational change efforts, subsidizing early adopters, developing of a parent-facing dashboard, outreach, exploring alternative uses such as preservice teacher training, and collaborating with researchers.

Looking Forward

Future developments are anticipated to include the addition of learning standards from more states, paying developers to quickly respond to end-user needs, implementing sustainable organizational change efforts, partnering with early adopters, developing of a parent-facing dashboard, outreach, exploring alternative uses such as preservice teacher training, and collaborating with researchers.

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). (2019). Tight labor market continues in 2018 as the unemployment rate falls to a 49-year low.
  • Hearnsberger, L. M. (2021). Does Culture Eat Poverty for Breakfast? Exploring the Role of Engagement for Achievement in U.S. Schools. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
  • Hearnsberger, L. M. & Hyatt, L. (2022). Engagement Culture: Driving Growth in High-Poverty School Environments by Shaping Assumptions That Constitute Truth [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2023.
  • Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading change. Harvard Business Review Press
  • Marzano, R. J. (2010). Formative assessment & standards-based grading: Classroom strategies that work. Marzano Research Laboratory.
  • National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). (2019). Announcing the condition of education 2019 release.
  • National Governors Association (NGA) & Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). (2008). Benchmarking for Success: Ensuring US Students Receive a World-Class Education.
  • Reschly, A. L. (2020). Dropout prevention and student engagement. In A. L. Reschly, A. J. Pohl, & S. L. Christenson’s (Eds.) Student engagement: Effective academic, behavioral, cognitive, and affective interventions at school (pp. 31-54). Springer.

Helpful Report Cards

Report Cards and progress reports inform students and their grownups.

When you get GSG, you get expertise.


Enterprise Options

We work with educators at all levels--from early elementary teachers to college professors--during development to make sure GSG supports classroom needs.

We consult with ESL experts, campus principals, superintendents, curriculum directors, SIS admins, and technology leaders to make sure GSG scales in an enterprise environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are standard breakouts and why are they important?

Standard breakouts are components of individual learning standards. This video shows how they benefit teachers and students.

The standard in the video has 12 breakouts. Gold Standard lets teachers assess them individually. This means better data to guide learning.

Standard 3E: (E) represent and solve addition and subtraction of fractions with equal denominators using objects and pictorial models that build to the number line and properties of operations


Texas Education Agency

How does Gold Standard support curriculum alignment?

Gold Standard makes it easy for teachers to systematically identify, collect, analyze, and act upon learning data to help students, thus aligning written, taught, and tested curriculum.

Identifying learning standards is a easy as typing a word in the search box. All relevant standards appear.

Collecting learning data is as easy as tapping a screen.

Gold Standard's interactive reports make it easy to immediately analyze and act upon learning data.

How does teacher feedback affect student achievement?

“Feedback that simply involves statements like ‘You’re doing a good job’ has little influence on student achievement.” 

Marzano, 2010, pp. 4-6

Traditional grade books have the qualities of ineffective feedback, providing generic appraisals of good-ness in the form of letter or number grades.

Why did we ever use traditional grading to assess student learning?

Time. Before the digital age, learning data had to be kept in notebooks or folders. The amount of available evidence was limited by the time it would take to write it down. Students would complete assignments that covered several objectives, and teachers would provide feedback on the whole assignment, not individual standards or breakouts.

Until Gold Standard, there was no way to assess students at the standards level without disrupting class.

How can Gold Standard help teachers differentiate instruction?

The Bubble interactive report with click-through lets teachers select students based upon understanding of a topic for in-class reteach.

How can Gold Standard help teachers plan cross curricular instruction?

The search function pulls standards from all subjects associated with the teacher. For example, 

How can Gold Standard help professional learning communities?

Iteration and sharing. Gold Standard's reporting lets teachers to see actual data about their teaching over time, allowing insights about what's working and what isn't. Armed with these insights, teachers can share what works throughout the community and embark upon action research to fix what isn't. 

What is the potential harm when assessment is done poorly?

There is a “danger that measurement frameworks could distort high-quality instruction, if the emphasis was on quantification rather than the qualities of student thinking or if they encouraged ‘testing’ formats—necessary for the efficiencies of large-scale assessment—that are then replicated in computerized testing systems that track students’ mastery of standards. Such testing formats are unnecessary in classroom contexts but often come to dominate classroom assessment.” 

Shepard, Penuel, & Pellegrino, 2018, p. 21

Formative assessments should be “unobtrusive” and not interfere with instruction.

Marzano, 2010, p. 25

What are the qualities of good formative assessment?

CCSSO's Formative Assessment for Students and Teachers Consortium

What is Learning Engineering?

The main aim of Learning Engineering is "to use data to improve learning and teaching. Learning engineers use technologies, standards, and science to propose, test, and implement solutions."

The Learning Agency, 2019.

How does Gold Standard support Learning Engineering?

Gold Standard was developed to support rapid experimentation and data-driven continuous improvement by enabling evaluation of the impact of instruction and prompt adjustment of teaching to meet student needs. Educators and researchers can use the comprehensive learning data to better understand how students learn and teachers teach.

Gold Standard compiles data and produces outputs in various formats, such as graphs to show student growth relative to content taught and time. The clear record of standards taught and mastered informs teachers’ self-reflection, empowers action research, and supports professional growth, and de-identified and aggregate data will be shared with external researchers for free.